
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MENTONOMON an aestuary or bay of the Northern Ocean, mentioned by Pytheas, upon which the Guttones dwelt, and. at a day's sail from which was an island named Abalus, where amber was gathered. (Plin. Nat. 37.7. s. 11.) The same island is mentioned in another passage of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.13. s. 27), as situated a day's sail from the Scythian coast. In Sillig's edition of Pliny this part of Scythia is called Raunonia ; but some of the MSS. and older editions have Bannonianna or Bantomannia, which is apparently only another form of Mentonomon. The bay was no doubt on the Prussian coast in the Baltic. (Zeuss, Die Deutschen, &c. p. 269.)

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