
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MESE´MBRIA(Μεσημβρία, Dor. Μεσαμβρία: Eth. Μεσημβριανός).

1. An important Greek city in Thrace, situated on the coast of the Euxine and at the foot of Mt. Haemus (Scymn. Ch. 738); consequently upon the confines of Moesia, in which it is placed by Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.10.8). Strabo (7. p. 319) relates that it was a colony of the Megarians, and that it was originally called Menebria (Μενεβρὶα) after its founder Menas ; Stephanus B. (s. v.) says that its original name was Melsembria (Μελσημβρία), from its founder Melsas; and both writers state that the termination -briawas the Thracian word for town. According to the Anonymous Periplus of the Euxine (p. 14) Mesembria was founded by Chalcedonians at the time of the expedition of Darius against Scythia; but according to Herodotus (Hdt. 6.33) it was founded a little later, after the suppression of the Ionic revolt, by Byzantine and Chalcedonian fugitives. These statements may, however, be reconciled by supposing that the Thracian. town was originally colonized by Megarians, and afterwards received additional colonists from Byzantiurn and Chalcedon. Mesembria was one of the cities, forming the Greek Pentapolis on the Euxine, the other four being Odessus, Tomi, Istriani and Apolloniatae. (See Böckh, Inscr. vol. 2. p. 996.) Mesembria is rarely mentioned in history, but it continued to exist till a late period. (Mela, 2.2; Plin. Nat. 4.11. s. 18; Ptol. I. c.; Tab. Peut.

2. A Greek city of Thrace, on the Aegaean Sea, COIN OF MESEMBRIA.
and not far from the mouth of the Lissus. (H od, 7.108; Steph. B. s. v.)

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