
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MIGRON a town in the tribe of Benjamin, mentioned in 1 Samuel, 14.2 (where the LXX. reads Μαγδών) as in the extreme border of Gibeah, celebrated for its pomegranate tree; and connected with Aiath (probably Ai) in Isaiah, 10.28 (where the LXX. reads Μαγγεδώ). Its site has not been recovered in modern times. Dr. Robinson remarks, Migron must have been situated between Deir Dîwanand Michmash;and so the line of the Assyrian march in Isaiah would seem to require. But the passage in Samuel implies that it was S. of Michmash, which was then occupied by the Philistine garrison, watched by the Israelites in Gibeah, which lay to the S. of the passage of Michmash,and with which Migron is connected. (Robinson, Bibl. Res. vol. 2. p. 149.)