
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MILETO´POLIS(Μιλητόπολις), a town in the north of Mysia, at the confluence of the rivers Macestus and Rhyndacus, and on the west of the lake which derives its name from it. (Strab. 12. p. 575, 14. p. 681; Steph. B. s. v.; Plin. Nat. 5.32, 40.) Some modern geographers, as D'Anville and Mannert, have identified Miletopolis with the modern Beli Kessror Balikesri, but this place is situated too far S. Leake, too, seems to place Miletopolis too far SW. of the lake, and identifies it with Minias, which others regard as the site of the ancient Poemanenum. The most probable view is, that the site of Miletopolis is marked by the modern Moalitshor Muhalitsch, or by the place Hamamli, near which many ruins of an ancient town are found. (Hamilton, Researches, &c. , vol. 1. p. 81. &c., vol. 2. p. 91.)

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