
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MINNAGARA(Μιννάγαρα, Arrian, Peripl. p. 24; Μιναγάρα, Ptol. 7.1.63), the chief town of the district lying between the Namadus and Indus, which towards the sea was known generically by the name of Indo-Scythia. Its exact position cannot now be determined; hence, some have supposed that it is represented by Tatta, near the mouths of the Indus, which is said to be called by the native Rajpúts, Sa-Minagur. (Ritter, Erdkunde. vol. 5. p. 475.) There is little doubt that the name expresses the city of Min,nagarabeing a common Sanscrit word for city, and Isidore of Charax mentioning a town called Minin this exact locality. (Parth. p. 9 ; Lassen, Pentap. Indic. p. 56.)