
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MINNITH a town on the E. of Jordan, in the country of the Ammonites ( Judges, 11.33), celebrated for its corn, which was sold for export in the markets of Tyre.: ( Ezech. 27.17.) The proper name does not occur in the LXX. in either of these passages, reading in the former Arnon (Alex. Σεμωείθ) and translating a corrupt reading in the latter by μύρων, after σίτου, as in the same passage they represent the proper name Pannag by κασίας.Its situation, as Reland has remarked ( Palaestina, s. v. p. 899), depends on the two questions, (1) of the line of march followed by Jephtha, and (2) of the existence of two Aroers. There is no proof of the latter hypothesis; and the course of the narrative seems to demand that the former question should be resolved in favour of a course from N. to S. ; which would oblige us to look for Minnith some distance south of Aroer, which was situated, we know, on the river Arnon. [ARNON; AROER.] Josephus names it Maniathe (Μανιάθη), but gives no clue to its position, further than that it was in Ammanitis. Eusebius places it at Maanith (Μαανίθ), iv. M. P. from Esbus (Heshbon), on the road to Philadelphia ( Onomast. s. v. Μενσήθ;St. Jerome, Mennith); but this does not accord with the above notifications of its site.