
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MOMEMPHIS(Μώμεμφις, Strab. 17. p. 803: Diod. 1.66, 97; Steph. B. s. v.), the capital of the nome Mo-Memphitis, in the Delta. It was seated in lat. 31° 5′ N.,on the eastern shore of the lake Mareotis, N. of the Natron Lakes. Both its ancient and its modern appellation— Manoufelseffly—indicate its position as the Lower Memphis, or Memphis in the marshes. During the troubles which led to the Dodecarchy, Momemphis was a place of some strength, owing to the difficulties of its approaches. It was chiefly remarkable for its exportation of mineral alkalies from the neighbouring Natron Lakes. Athôr or Aphrodite, under the form of a cow, was worshipped at Momemphis.