
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MONA(Μόνα, Ptol. 3.2.12; Μώννα, Dio Cass.), an island in Britain, off the coast of the Ordovices, the Isle of Anglesey.
Caesar describes Mona as situated in the middle of the passage from Britain to Ireland ( B. G. 5.13), but by Mona in this passage he must mean the Isle of Man, which Pliny calls MONAPIA(4.16. s. 30); and Ptolemy that of MONARINA or MONAOEDA(Μοναρίνα, Μονάοιδα).
The Isle of Angleseywas first invaded by Suetonius Paullinus, governor of Britain under Nero, A.D. 61. Previous to the appointment of Suetonius Paullinus, the Romans had met with some reverses in the west of Britain. From the vigorous measures adopted by Paullinŭs on entering upon the government of Britain, it may be inferred that the Druids of Mona had excited the Ordovices and the Silures to rise in rebellion ; or had assisted them; probably both. Tacitus states that Mona was a receptacle for fugitives. The island was well populated, and there the priests of the Druidical religion had established themselves in great strength. Paullinus was recalled from the conquest of Angleseyby the revolt of the Britons under Boadicea, and its subjugation was not completed till A.D. 78 by Agricola. (Tac. Agric. pp. 15, 18, Ann. 14.29.)

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