
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MOSTE´NI(Μοστηνοί), a town of Lydia in the Hyrcanian plain, south-east of Thyatira, and on the road between this latter town and Sardis. In A.D. 17, Mosteni and many other towns of that country were visited by a fearful earthquake. (Ptol. 5.2.16; Tac. Ann. 2.17; Hierocl. p. 671, where it is erroneously called Μυστήνηor Μόστινα;Concil. Chalc. p. 240. where it bears the name Μουστήνη.) Its exact site is unknown. (Comp. Rasche, Lex. Num. 3.1. p. 869, &c.)

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