Oppidum Novum

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

OPPIDUM NOVUM(Ὄππιδον Νέον, Ptol. 4.2.25), a town of Mauretania, colonised in the reign of the emperor Claudius, by the veterans (Plin. Nat. 5.1), which Ptolemy (l. c.) places 10‘ to the E. of Manliana, and the Antonine Itinerary 18 M. P. to the W.; Ptolemy's position agrees with the Sinaabof Shaw ( Trav. p. 58), where that traveller found ruins on the W. bank of the Chinalaph. The town of the Itinerary corresponds with El Khádarah, the Chadraof Edrisi ( Geog. Nub. p. 81), situated on arising ground, on the brink of the same river, where there are also ruins.

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