Pandovi Regio

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PANDOVI REGIO(Πανδώου χώρα, Ptol. vii. 50.11), a district at the southern extremity of the Peninsula of Hindostán. The name is in some editions Πανδιόνος, but there is every probability that the above (which was suggested by Erasmus) is the true reading. There is another district of the same name which is placed by Ptolemy in the Panjábon the Bidaspes ( Vipása) (7.1.46). It is clear from a comparison of the two names that they refer to the same original Indian dynasty, who were known by the name of the Pandavas, and who appear to have been extended very widely over India. At the time of the invasion of Alexander, the district in the Panjdbbelonged to king Porus. (Strab. 15. p. 686; Lassen, Ind. Alterth. Geschichte der Pandava, p. 652.)