
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PELINNA more commonly PELINNAEUM (Πέλιννα, Steph. B. s. v.;Plin. Nat. 4.8. s. 15; Πελινναῖον, Scylax, p. 25; Pind. P. 10.4; Strab. 9. p. 437; Arrian, Arr. Anab. 1.7; Liv. 36.10; Πεληναῖονon coins, Eckhel, vol. 2. p. 146: Eth. Πελινναῖος), a town of Thessaly, in the district Histiaeotis, a little above the left bank of the Peneius. (Strab. l. c.) It seems to have been a place of some importance even in the time of Pindar (l. c.). Alexander the Great passed through the town in his rapid march from Illyria to Boeotia. (Arrian, l. c.) It did not revolt from the Macedonians together with the other Thessalians after the death of Alexander the Great. (Diod. 18.11.) In the war between Antiochus and the Romans, B.C. 191, Pelinnaeum was occupied by the Athamanians, but was soon afterwards recovered by the Romans. (Liv. 36.10, 14.) There are considerable remains of Pelinnaeum at Old Kardhíkior Gardhíki. The city occupied the face of a rocky height, together with a large quadrangular space at the foot of it on the south. The southern wall is more than half a mile in length, and the whole circumference near three miles.(Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 4. p. 288.)