
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PE´LIUM(Πέλλιον, Arrian, Anab. 1.5; Πήλιον, Quadratus, ap. Steph. B. s. v.;Liv. 31.40), a town of the Dassaretii, on the Macedonian frontier, and commanding the pass which led into that country. From its situation it was a place of considerable importance, and was attacked by Alexander on his return from the expedition against the Getae, in the war against the two Illyrian kings Cleitus and Glaucias. On the defeat of the Illyrians Cleitus set the town on fire. According to Arrian (l. c.), Pelium was situated at the foot of a woody mountain, and close to a narrow defile through which the Eordaicus flowed, leaving in one part space only for four shields abreast, a description which corresponds so exactly with the pass of Tzangón, or Klisúraof Devól, both as to the river, and breadth of one part of the pass, that the identity can hardly be questioned. Pelium will then be either Pliássaor Pórjani, but the former has the preference by its name, which seems to be a vulgar sounding of Πηλίασσα. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 323.) The consul Sulpicius, in his first campaign against Philip (Liv. l. c.), crossed from Eordaea, or Saríghioli, which he had ravaged over part of the plain of Grevená, and through Anaselítzato Kastoría, whence he diverged to Pelium, which he occupied, leaving a strong garrison in, it, as it was an advantageous post for making excursions into the enemy's territory.