
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PETOVIO(Ποτόβιον, or Παταύϊον, Ptol. 2.15.4: Pettau), also called Poetovio ( Itin. Ant. p. 262; and in inscriptions ap. Orelli, n. 3592), Patavio, and Petaviona, was an important town in Upper Pannonia, on the river Dravus and the frontiers of Noricum. In inscriptions it is called a Roman colony, and bears the surname of Ulpia; whence it may be inferred that it received Roman colonists from either Trajan or Hadrian, who probably also extended the place. Its importance is sufficiently attested by the fact that it was the station of the Legio XIII.Gemina, and that an imperial palace existed outside its walls. (Tac. Hist. 3.1; Ammian. 14.37; It. Hieros. p. 561; Geogr. Rav. 4.19.) The modern town of Pettauis situated on the left bank of the Drave;and as coins, inscriptions, and other ancient remains are found only on the opposite side, it is probable that the ancient Petovio was situated on the right bank opposite to the modern Pettau. (Comp. K. Mayer, Versuch über Steyermärkische Alterthümer, Gräz, 1782, 4to.; Muchar, Noricum, 1. p. 364.)

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