
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PHY´LACE(Φμλάκη: Eth. Φυλακήσιος.)

1. A. town of Phthiotis in Thessaly, one of the places subject to Protesilaus, and frequently mentioned in the Homeric poems. ( Il. 2.695, 13.696, 15.335, Od. 11.290; comp. Apollon. 1.45; Steph. B. s. v.) It contained a temple of Protesilaus. (Pind. Isthm. 1.84.) Pliny erroneously calls it a town of Magnesia (4.9. s. 16). Strabo describes it as standing between Pharsalus and Phthiotic Thebes, at the distance of about 100 stadia from the latter (ix. pp. 433, 435). Leake places it at about 40 minutes from Ghidék, in the descent from a pass, where there are remains of an ancient town. The situation near the entrance of a pass is well suited to the name of Phylace. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iv. pp. 332, 364.)

2. A town of Molossis. in Epeirus, of uncertain site. (Liv. 45.26.)

3. A place in Arcadia, upon the frontiers of Tegea and Laconia, where the Alpheius rises. (Paus. 8.54.1.)

4. A town of Pieria in Macedonia (Ptol. 3.13.40), the inhabitants of which are mentioned by Pliny under the name of Phylacaei (4.10. s. 17).

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