Related Words
plătănus, i (nom. plur. platanūs, Verg. Cul. 123), f., = πλάτανος, the platane or Oriental plane-...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
PLA´TANUS(Πλατανοῦς), according to the Stadiasmus ( § § 178, 179), a coast-town of Cilicia Aspera, 350 stadia west of Anemuriun. This distance is incorrect. Beaufort remarks that between the plain of Selintiand the promontory of Anamur, a distance of 30 miles, the ridge of bare rocky hills forming the coast is interrupted but twice by narrow valleys, which conduct the mountain torrents to the sea. The first of these is Kharadra;the other is halfway between that place and Anamur. The latter, therefore, seems the site of Platanus, that is, about 150 stadia from Anemurium. The whole of that rocky district, which was very dangerous to navigators, seems to have derived the name of Platanistus (Strab. 14. p. 669) from Platanus. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 200).
plătănus, i (nom. plur. platanūs, Verg. Cul. 123), f., = πλάτανος, the platane or Oriental plane-...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.