
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RAURACI or RAURICI(Ῥαυρικοί). The form Raurici appears in Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.9.18), in Pliny (iv. 17), and in some inscriptions. Ptolemy mentions two towns of the Rauraci, Rauricorum Augusta and Argentovaria [AUGUSTA RAURACORUM; ARGENTARIA]. Augusta is Augstnear Bâle, in the Swiss Canton of Bâle, and Argentovaria may be Artzenheim. The position of these places helps us to form a measure of the extent of the territory of the Rauraci, which may have nearly coincided with the bishopric of Bâle.
The Rauraci joined the Helvetii in their emigration, B.C. 58. [HELVETII]

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