REHOBOTH(translated εὐρυχωρίαin LXX.), one of the wells dug by Isaac in the country of Gerar,—after Esek (contention) and Sitnah (hatred),—for which the herdsmen did not strive: so he called it Rehoboth: And he said, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land. (Gen. 26.18, 20—22.) There was a town in the vicinity of the well, the traces of which were recovered, with the well itself, by Mr. Rowlands, in 1843. About a quarter of an hour beyond Sebâta, we came to the remains of what must have been a very well-built city, called now Rohébeh. This is undoubtedly the ancient Rehoboth, where Abraham, and afterwards Isaac, digged a well. This lies, as Rehoboth did, in the land of Gerar. Outside the walls of the city is an ancient well of living and good water called Bir-Rohébeh. This most probably is the site, if not the well itself, digged by Isaac. (Williams's Holy City, vol. i. Appendix, 1. p. 465.)