
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RHO´DIUS(Ῥόδιος), a river of Troas, having its sources in Mount Ida, a little above the town of Astyra; it flows in a north western direction, and after passing by Astyra and Cremaste, discharges itself into the Hellespont between Dardanus and Abydus. (Hom. Il. 12.20, 20.215; Hesiod, Hes. Th. 341; Strab. 12. p. 554, xiii. pp. 595, 603; Plin. Nat. 5.33.) Strabo (13. p. 595) states that some regarded the Rhodius as a tributary of the Aesepus; but they must have been mistaken, as the river is mentioned on the coins of Dardanus. (Sestini, Geog. Numis. p. 39.) Pliny (l. c.) states that this ancient river no longer existed; and some modern writers identify it with the Pydius mentioned by Thucydides (Thuc. 8.106; comp. Hesych. and Phavorin. s. v. Πύδιον). Richter (Wallfahrten, p. 457) describes its present condition as that of a brook flowing into the Dardanellesby many mouths and marshes.

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