
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RHY´TIUM(Ῥύτιον, Steph. B.; Plin. Nat. 4.20: Eth. Ῥυτιεύς), a town of Crete which Homer (Hom. Il. 2.648) couples with Phaestus as well-peopled cities.The city belonged to the Gortynians (Strab. 10. p. 479; Nonnus, Dionys. 13.233.) The corrupt reading Ῥυθίμνηin Steph. B. (s. v. Στῆλαι) should be emended into Ῥύτιον. (Höck, Kreta, vol. 1. p. 414.) The city must have existed somewhere on or close to the route which leads from Kastelianáto Haghíus Dhéka;but Pashley (Crete, vol. 1. p. 293) could find no vestiges of antiquity in the neighbourhood.

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