
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A river in Germany, between which and the Rhine, according to Strabo (7. p. 291), Drusus Germanicus lost his life. That the river was on the east of the Rhine is implied also in the account which Livy (Liv. Epit. 140) and Dio Cassius give of the occurrence; and it has therefore been conjectured with some probability that the Sala is the same river as the modern Saale. a tributary of the Elbe, commonly called the Thuringian Saale;though others regard the Sala as identical with the Yssel.

2. A river of Germany, alluded to by Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 13.57), who, without mentioning its name, calls it flumen gignendo sale fecundum.It formed the boundary between the country of the Chatti and Hermunduri and near its banks were great saltworks, about which these two tribes were perpetually involved in war. From this circumstance it is clear that the river alluded to by Tacitus is none other but the Saalein Franconia, a tributary of the Moenus or Main;and that the salt-springs are, in all probability, those of the modern town of Kissingen.

3. A town in Upper Pannonia, on the road from Sabaria to Poetovium (Ptol. 2.15.4; It. Ant. p. 262, where it is called Salle; Geogr. Rav. 4.19, where it is called Salla). Some identify the place with the town of Szala Egerssek, and others with Lüviron the river Szala. (Comp. Muchar, Noricum, 1. p. 261.)

4. A town in the south-western part of Phrygia, on the frontiers of Caria and Pisidia, on the northwest of Cibyra. (Ptol. 5.2.26.)

5. A town in the north-western part of Armenia Minor, on the eastern slope of Mount Moschus. (Ptol. 5.13.10.) [L.S]

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