
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. (Σαλακεία,Ptol. 2.5.3), a municipal town of Lusitania, in the territory of the Turdetani, to the NW. of Pax Julia and to the SW. of Ebora. It appears from inscriptions to have had the surname of Urbs Imperatoria. (Gruter, p. 13. 16; Mionnet, 1. p. 4; Sestini, p. 16.) Salacia was celebrated for its manufacture of fine woollen cloths. (Plin. Nat. 8.48. s. 73; Strab. 3. p. 144, with the note of Groskurd.) Now Alaçer do Sal. (Florez, Esp. Sagr. 13. p. 115, 14. p. 241; comp. Mela, 3.1; It. Ant. pp. 417, 418, and 422.)

2. A town of the Callaici Bracarii in the NW. of Hispania Tarraconensis. ( Itin. Ant. p. 422.) Identified either with Salamondeor Pombeiro. [T.H.D]

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