
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SALSULAE in Gallia. Mela (2.5) describes the Salsulae Fons as not sending forth fresh water, but water salter than the sea. He places the Fons south of the lake Rubresus, and near the shore which he calls Leucate [LEUCATE].Salsulae is in the Antonine Itin. on the road from Narbo to the Pyrenees. Salsulae is Salsesor Salçes, where there is a salt-spring. Near the Fons, says Mela, is a plain very green with fine and slender reeds, under which is water. This is the place, he says, where fish are got by striking down with a prong or something of the sort; and this is the origin of the fables told by the Greeks and some Romans about fishes being dug out of the ground. He alludes to Polybius (Plb. 34.10). [RUSCINO]

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