
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SARA´VUS a river of Gallia, a branch of the Mosella ( Mosel). The Itins. place the Pons Saravi on the Saravus, on a road from Divodurum ( Metz) to Argentoratum ( Strassburg). [PONS SARAVI]
The Saravus is mentioned in the poem of Ausonius on the Mosella (5.367):— Naviger undisona dudum me mole SaravusTota veste vocat, longum qui distulit amnem,Fessa sub Augustis ut volveret ostia muris.
The Saravus is the Sarre, which joins the Moselon the right bank a few miles above Augusta Trevirorum ( Trier). In an inscription the river is named Sarra.