Sarapis Ins

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SARAPIS INS(Σαράπιδος νήσος), an island off the South Coast of Arabia, mentioned by the author of the Periplus ascribed to Arrian ( Geog. Graec. Min. vol. 1. p. 19, Hudson) as situated 2000 stadia east of the seven islands of Zenobia, which are identified with the islands of Kurian Miurian. The island of Sarapis is therefore correctly placed by D'Anville at Mozeira. It is described in the Periplus as about 120 stadia distant from the coast, and about 200 stadia wide. It had three villages, and was inhabited by the sacred caste of the Ichthyophagi. They spoke Arabic, and wore girdles of cocoa leaves. The island produced a variety and abundance of tortoises, and was a favourite station for the merchant vessels of Cane.