
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SA´SSULA a town of Latium, situated in the neighbourhood of Tibur, of which city it was a dependency. It is mentioned only by Livy (Liv. 7.19) among the towns taken from the Tiburtines in B.C. 354, and was probably always a small place. The site has been identified by Gell and Nibby with the ruins of an ancient town, at the foot of the hill of Siciliano, between 7 and 8 miles from Tivoli(Tibur). The ruins in question, consisting of a line of walls of polygonal construction, surrounding a hill of small extent, unquestionably indicate the site of an ancient town; but as we know that the Tiburtine territory contained several other towns besides Empulum and Sassula, the only two whose names are known to us, the identification of the latter is wholly arbitrary. (Gell, Top. of Rome, p. 394; Nibby, Dintorni, vol. 3. p. 63.)

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