
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SAVUS(Σάοςor Σάουος: Save), a great and navigable tributary of the Danube; it has its sources in the Carnian Alps (Plin. Nat. 3.28; Jornand. de Reb. Get. 56), and, flowing in an eastern direction almost parallel with the more northern Dravus, reaches the Danube at Singidunum. A portion of its upper course forms the boundary between Noricum and Pannonia, but the whole of the lower part of the river belongs to the southern part of Pannonia, and some of the most important towns of that country, as Siscia, Servitium, and Sirmium, were situated on its banks. (Strab. 4. p. 207, 7. p. 314; Appian, 3.22; Ptol. 2.16.1, 3.9.1; Justin (Justin. 32.3, 8, 16; Claud. de Laud. Stilich. 2.192.)

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