
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SERRHEUM or SERRHIUM(Σέρριον, Dem. p. 85, R.; Σέρρειον, Hdt. 7.59; Steph. B. s. v.), a promontory and town on the southern coast of Thrace, now Cape Makri. It lay to the west of Maroneia, and opposite to the island of Samothrace. It is repeatedly mentioned by Demosthenes (pp. 85, 114, 133, R.), as having been taken by Philip, contrary to his engagements with the Athenians; and Livy (Liv. 31.16) states that it was one of the Thracian towns captured by Philip V. in the year B.C. 200. (Plin. Nat. 4.11. s. 18; Mela, 2.2.) According to Stephanus Byz. (l. c.) a town on the island of Samothrace bore the same name.

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