
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SITTACE(Σιττάκη, Ptol. 6.1.6), a town of ancient Assyria, at the southern end of this province, on the road between Artemita and Susa. (Strab. 16. p. 744.) It is called Sitta (Σίττα) by Diodorus (Diod. 17.110). It was the capital of the district of Sittacene, which appears to have been called in later times Apolloniatis (Strab. 11. p. 524), and which adjoined the province of Susis (15. p. 732). Pliny, who gives the district of Sittacene a more northerly direction, states that it bore also the names of Arbelitis and Palaestine (6.27. s. 31). It is probably the same country which Curtius calls Satrapene (5.2).

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