
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SUFE´TULA a town of Byzacene, 25 miles S. of Sufes. In its origin it seems to have been a later and smaller place then the latter, whence its name as a diminutive—little Sufes. In process of time, however, it became a very considerable town, as it appears to have been the centre whence all the roads leading into the interior radiated. Some vast and magnificent ruins, consisting of the remains of three temples, a triumphal arch, &c., at the present Sfaitla, which is seated on a lofty plateau on the right bank of the Wed Dschmila, 80 Kilomètres SW. of Kairwan, attest its ancient importance. (See Shaw's Travels, p. 107; Pelissier, in Revue Archeol. July 1847.)

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