
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TAGUS(Τάγος, Ptol. 2.5.4), one of the principal rivers of Spain, being considerably larger than the Anas and having its sources between Mounts Orospeda and Idubeda, in the country of the Celtiberi. (Strab. iii. pp. 139, 152, 162.) After a tolerably straight course of upwards of 300 miles in a westerly direction, it falls into the Atlantic ocean below Olisippo, where it is 20 stadia broad, and capable of bearing the largest ships. It was navigable as far up as Moron for smaller vessels. According to Strabo, at flood tides it overflowed the country at its mouth for a circumference of 150 stadia. It was celebrated for its fish and oysters (Strab. ib.;Mart. 10.78), and likewise for its gold sand (Plin. Nat. 4.22. s. 35; Mela, 3.1; Catull. 20.30; Ov. Met. 2.251, &c.); of which last, however, so little is now to be found that it hardly repays the amphibious paupers who earn a precarious living by seeking for it. (Ford's Handbook of Spain, p. 487; Dillon, 1. p. 257.) The Tagonius alone, is named as a tributary. The Tagus is still called Tajoin Spain, Tejoin Portugal. (Cf. Liv. 21.5, 27.19; Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4, 8.42. s. 67; Sen. Thyest. 352, &c.)

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