
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TANE´TUM or TANNE´TUM(Τάνητον, Ptol.: Eth. Tanetanus, Plin.: S. Ilario), a small town of Gallia Cispadana, on the Via Aemilia, between Regium Lepidum and Parma, and distant 10 miles from the former and 8 from the latter city. ( Itin. Ant. p. 287; Itin. Hier. p. 616; Tab. Peut. ) It is mentioned in history before the Roman conquest of this part of Italy, as a Gaulish village, to which the praetor L. Manlius retired after his defeat by the Boii in B.C. 218, and where he was surrounded and besieged by that people. (Plb. 3.40; Liv. 21.25.) Its name is not again noticed in history, but it is mentioned both by Pliny and Ptolemy as a municipal town of Gallia Cispadana, though it appears to have never risen to be a place of importance. (Plin. Nat. 3.15. s. 20; Ptol. 3.1.46; Phlegon, Macrob. 1.) Livy calls the Gaulish town vicus Pado propinquus,an expression which would lead to an erroneous idea of its position; for we learn from the Itineraries that it certainly stood on the Via Aemilia, at a distance of more than 10 miles from the Padus. The site is still occupied by a large village, which is now called, from the name of its principal church, Sant‘ Ilario;but a hamlet or village about half a mile to the N. still retains the name of Taneto. It is distant about 2 miles from the river Enza, the Nicia of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.16. s. 20), which flows into the Po, about 12 miles from the point where it crosses the Aemilian Way.

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