
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TAPHRAE or TAPHROS(Τάφραι, Steph. B. p. 642; cf. Mela, 2.1; Plin. Nat. 4.12. s. 26; Τάφρος, Ptol. 3.6.5), that part of the neck of the Chersonesus Taurica which was cut through by a dyke and fortified (Hdt. 4.3). Pliny and Ptolemy (ll. cc.) mention a town called Taphrae; and Strabo (7.308) also notices at this spot a people called Τάφριοι. (Cf. D'Anville, Mèm de l'Ac. d. Inscr. 37. p. 581; Rennell, Geogr. of Herod. p. 96; Mannert, 4. p. 291.) Perecop, or Prezecop, the modern name of the isthmus, also signifies in Russian a ditch or entrenchment. (Clarke, Trav. 2. p. 316.)

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