
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TEUTIBU´RGIUM or TEUTOBURGIUMΤευτοβούργιον), a town in Lower Pannonia, near the confluence of the Dravus and Danubius, on the road from Mursa to Cornacum, was the station of the praefect of the sixth legion and a cops of Dalmratian lhrsemen. ( It. Ant. p. 243; Ptol. 2.16.5; Notit. Imp; Tab. Pent., where it is miswritten Tittoburgium.) The name seems to indicate that it was originally a settlement of the Teutones, which may have been founded at the time when they roamed over those countries, about B.C. 113. No remains are now extant, and its exact site is only matter of conjecture. (Muchar, Norikum, vol. 1. p. 265.)