Teutobergiensis Saltus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TEUTOBERGIENSIS SALTUS a mountain forest in Western Germany, where in A.D. 9. the Roman legions under Varus suffered the memorable defeat, and where six years later, their unburied remains were found by Drusus. (Tac. Ann. 1.60.) A general description of the locality without the mention of the name is found ill Dio Cassius (Dio Cass. 56.20, 21; comp. Vellei. 2.105; 118, foll.). This locality has in modern times been the subject of much discussion among German antiquaries; but the words of Tacitus seem to imply clearly that he was thinking of the range of hills between the sources of the Lupia and Amasis; that is, the range between Lippspringeand Haustenbeck. (Giefers, De Alisoe Castello deque Varianae Cladis Loco Commentatio, p. 47, foll)