
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THA´BRACA(Θάβρακα κολωνία, Ptol. 6.3. § § 5, 21, 28, 8.14.3; Mela, 1.7), also called Tabraca (Plin. Nat. 5.3. s. 2, 6), a maritime city of Numidia, seated at the mouth of the Tusca. It was the border city towards Zeugitana, and a Roman colony. (Ptol., Plin., ll. cc.) The surrounding country was covered with thick woods. (Juv. S. 10.194.) Thabraca was the scene of the death of Gildo. (Claud. Laud. Stil. 1.359.) It still retains the name of Tabarka. (Cf. Itin. Ant. pp. 21, 495, 514; Aug. adv. Donat. 6.32.)

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