
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THALA(γάλα, Strab. 17. p. 831), an important town of Numidia, with a treasury and arsenal. (Sall. J. 75, 77, 80, 89; Tac. Ann. 3.21; Flor. iii. l.) It is probably identical with Telepte (Τελεπτή, Procop. de Aed. 6.6), a fortified town of Numidia, lying to the NW. of Capsa, and from which there was a road to Tacape on the Syrtis Minor ( Itin. Ant. p. 77). Shaw ( Trav. vol. 1. p. 288, seq.) takes Ferreanah, both from its ruins and its situation, to have been the ancient Thala or Telepte (cf. Manner, 10.2. p. 321), but Lapie seeks it at Haouch-el-Khima.

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