
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THERMAE(Θέρμαι) Eth. Thermitanus was the name of two cities in Sicily, both of which derived their name from their position in the neighbourhood of hot springs.

1. The northernThermae, sometimes called for distinction's sake THERMAE HIMERENSES(now Termini), was situated on the N. coast of the island, in the immediate neighbourhood of the more ancient city of Himera, to the place of which it may be considered as succeeding. Hence its history is given in the article HIMERA

2. The southernThermae, or THERMAE SELINUNTIAE( Sciacca), was situated on the SW. coast of the island, and, as its name imports, within the territory of Selinus, though at a distance of 20 miles from that city in the direction of Agrigentum. There can be no doubt that it occupied the same site as the modern town of Sciacca, about midway between the site of Selinus and the mounth of the river Halycus (Platani), where there still exist sulphureous waters, which are in constant use. (Smyth's Sicily, p. 217; Cluver, Sicil. p. 223.) We have no account of the existence of a town on the site during the period of the independence of Selinus, though there is little doubt that the thermal waters would always have attracted some population to the spot. Nor even under the Romans did the place attain to anything like the same importance with the northern Thermae; and there is little doubt that Pliny is mistaken in assigning the rank of a colonia to the southern instead of the northern town of the name. [HIMERA] Starbo mentions the waters (τὰ ὕδατα τὰ Σελινούντια, Strab. 6. p. 275); and they are again noticed in the Itineraries under the name of Aquae Labodes or Labrodes ( Itin. Ant. p. 89; Tab. Peut. ) [E.H.B]

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