
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THYMBRA(Θύμβρηor Θύμβρα), a town of Troas, in the vicinity of Ilium. (Hom. Il. 10.430; Steph. B. s. v.;Plin. Nat. 5.33.) Strabo (13. p. 598) speaks of it only as a plain traversed by the river Thymbrius. The valley of Thymbra and the hill in it, called Callicolone (Hom. Il. 20.53, 151; Strab. l. c.), are said still to retain their ancient names. (Prokesch, Denkwürdigkeiten, 1. p. 145, foll.) The town of Thymbra must have perished at an early period; but its name remained celebrated in religion, for Apollo, who had had a temple at Thymbra, is frequently called Thymbraeus (Θυμβραῖος; Verg. A. 3.85; Eurip. Rhésus, 224; Steph. B. s. v. Θύμβρα).

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