Tiberias Mare

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TIBE´RIAS MARE(λίμνη Τιβερίας, Paus. 5.7.4; Ptol. 5.16.4; λίμνη ἡ Τιλερίων, Joseph. B. J. 4.26), the principal lake or sea of Palestine in the province of Galilaea. It was bordered on the W. side by the tribes of Issachar and Zabulon, and on the E. by the half-tribe of Manasseh. The waters were fresh (Joseph. B. J. 3.35) and full of fish (Joseph. B. J. 4.26; Matth. 4.18; Luke, 5.1, &c.), and its size is variously stated, by Josephus (l. c.), to have been 140 stadia long by 40 broad, and by Pliny, to have been 16 M. P. long and 6 M. P. broad (5.15). It was traversed in a direction NW. and SE. by the river Jordan. [JORDANES; PALAESTINA.] This sea is known by many different names in the Bible and profane history. Its earliest title would seem to have been Chinnereth ( Numb. 34.11; Josh. 13.27; LXX. Χεννερέθ.) From this form has probably arisen its second appellation of Gennesareth (ἡ λίμνη Γεννεσαρὲρ, Matth. 14.34, &c. ὕδωρ Γεννησὰρ, 1 Maccab. 2.67; ἡ λίμνη Γεννησὰρ, Joseph. B. J. ἡ λίμνη Γεννεσαρῖτις, J. AJ; Strab. 16. p. 755; Genasara, Plin. Nat. 5.15.) A third appellation it has derived from the province with which it was most nearly connected, viz. the sea of Galilee (θάλασσα τῆς Γαλιλαίας, Matth. 4.18; Mark, 7.31, &c. and with a double title, θάλασσα τῆς Γαλιλαίας, τῆς Τιβερίαδος, John6.1). Pliny, in describing the same localities, speaks of a town called Tarichaea, from whence also he says the adjoining lake was sometimes named (l. c.;cf. also Strab. xvi. p., 764). The present name is Bahr-al-Tabaríeh. (Pococke, 2. p. 103; Thevenot p. 387; Haselquist, 1. p. 181; Robinson, iii. pp. 499—509, &c.)