
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TRIVICUM(Trevico), a town of Samnium, in the country of the Hirpini, not far from the frontiers of Apulia. Its name is known to us only from Horace, who slept there (or at least at a villa in its immediate neighbourhood) on his well-known journey to Brundusium. (Hor. Sat. 1.5. 79.) It appears therefore that it was situated on the Via Appia, or the line of road then frequented from Rome to Brundusium. But this was not the same which was followed in later times, and is given in the Itineraries under that name, a circumstance which has given rise to much confusion in the topography of this part of Italy. [VIAAPPIA.] There can be no doubt that Trivicum occupied nearly, if not exactly, the same site with the modern Trevico:the ancient road appears to have passed along the valley at the foot of the hill on which it was situated. It was here that stood the villa to which Horace alludes, and some remains of Roman buildings, as well as of the pavement of the ancient road, still visible in the time of Pratilli, served to mark the site more accurately. (Pratilli, Via Appia, 4.10. p. 507; Romanelli, vol. 2. p. 350.) It probably never was a municipal town, as its name is not mentioned by any of the geographers.

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