TUBUSUPTUS(Τουβούσουπτος, Τουβούσουππος, or Τουβούσιππος, Ptol. 4.2.31, 8.13.12), a town of Mauretania Caesariensis, 18 miles SE. of Saldae. ( Itin. Ant. p. 32.) According to Ammianus Marcellinus it was situated close to Mons Ferratus (29.5.11). From Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.2. s. 1) we learn that it was a Roman colony since the time of Augustus. It was once a place of some importance, but afterwards declined, though even at a late period it seems to have had a Roman garrison ( Not. Imp., where it is called Tubusubdus). Variously identified with Burg, Bordj, Ticla, and a place on the Djebel Afroun.