
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ULIA(Οὐλία, Strab. 3. p. 141), a town in Hispania Baetica, on a hill, on the road from Gades to Corduba. ( Itin. Ant. p. 412.) It was a Roman municipium, with the surname of Fidentia, and belonged to the jurisdiction of Corduba (Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4; Hirt. B. H. 3, 4, B. Alex. 61; Dio Cass..) From inscriptions it appears to be the present Monte Mayor, where there are ruins. (Cf. Morales, Ant. p. 5; Florez, Esp. Sagr. 10. p. 150, 12. p. 5; coins in Florez, Med. 2. p. 620, 3. p. 130; Mionnet, 1. p. 27, Suppl. 1. p. 47.) COIN OF ULIA.[T.H.D]

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