
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

UTIS or VITIS(Montone), a river of Gallia Cisalpina, which rises, in the Apennines, flows under the walls of Forli(Forum Livii), and subsequently by the city of Ravenna, and enters the Adriatic about 5 miles from that city. At the present day it joins the Ronco(the Bedesis of Pliny), before reaching the latter city, but in ancient times it probably discharged its waters by a separate channel into the lagunes which at that time surrounded Ravenna. The name is written Vitis by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.14. s. 19), but it is probable that Utis or Utensis the more correct form, which is found in Livy. According to that author it at one time formed the boundary between the Boian and Senonian Gauls. (Liv. 5.35.)

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