
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

UXAMA(Οὔξαμα Ἀργέλλαι, Ptol. 2.6.56), a town of the Arevaci in Hispania Tarraconensis, on the road from Asturica to Caesaraugusta, 50 miles W. of Numantia, and in the neighbourhood of Clunia ( Itin. Ant. p. 441), where, however, the more recent editions read Vasama. (Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4; Flor. 3.22; Sil. Ital..) It is called Uxuma in the Geogr. Rav. (4.43); and according to Ukert (ii. pt. 1. p. 455), is probably the Ἀξείνιονof Appian (6.47). Now Osma.

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