
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VELLAUNODUNUM in Gallia. In B.C. 52 Caesar, leaving two legions and all the baggage at Agedincum ( Sens), marches on Genabum ( Orléans). On the second day he reaches Vellaunodunum. ( B. G. 7.11.) In two days Caesar made a vallum round Vellaunodunum, and on the third day the place surrendered, and the people gave up their arms. There is no evidence about the site of Vellaunodunum, except that it was on the road from Sensto Orléans, and was reached in the second day's march from Sens, and that Caesar reached Orléansin two days from Vellaunodunum. Caesar was marching quick. D'Anville conjectures that Vellaunodunum may be Beaune, in the old province of Gâtinois;for Beauneis about 40 Roman miles from Sens, and the Roman army would march that distance in two days. Beauneis named Belna in the Pagus Vastinensis ( Gâtinois, Gastinois, Vastinois;VAPINCUM), in the acts of a council held at Soissonsin 862, and D'Anville thinks that Belna may be a corruption of Vellauna, which is the name of Vellaunodunum, if we cut off the termination dunum.(D'Anville, Notice, &c. )

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