
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

Lār Laris, m plur.Larēs, um, rarely ium (L.)


I I. Plur, the gods of places, protecting deities, Lares (local tutelar deities): praestites, guardian gods of the city , O.: permarini, tutelar deities of the sea , L.—Esp., the household gods, guardians of the house, domestic deities, Lares : aedes Larum: immolet porcum Laribus, H.: Laribus tuum miscet numen, H.—

II II. Sing.and plur., a hearth, house, dwelling, household, family, abode : ante suos Lares familiarīs, at his very hearth : Lar familiaris, C., S.: mutare Lares, H.: avitus apto Cum lare fundus, H.: parvo sub lare, H.: deserere larem, O.: pelli lare, O.: avis in ramo tecta laremque parat, a home , O.