
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

Mārs Mārtis, m

3 MAR-, Mars, father of Romulus and god of war, with whose month, Martius, the Roman year began , O., Cs.: durus, V.: cruentus, H.: feroxO.: stella Martis, the planet Mars.—War, battle, conflict, engagement : Martem accendere cantu, incite to battle , V.: apertus, in the open field , O.: equitem suo alienoque Marte pugnare, i. e. both on horseback and on foot , L.: Mars forensis, a legal contest , O.: si patrii quid Martis habes, martial spirit , V.—In the phrase, suo Marte, independently, by his own efforts : rex ipse suo Marte res suas recuperavit: cum vos vestro Marte his rebus omnibus abundetis.— The issue of battle, fortune of war : omnis belli Mars communis: communis adhuc Mars belli erat, L.: aequo Marte, indecisively , Cs.: verso Marte (i. e. versā fortunā), L.

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