
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ab-sum āfuī

(not abfuī), āfutūrus (āforem, āfore), abesse, in general, to be away from, be absent: dum abs te absum, T.: qui nullā lege abessem, i. e. since my exile was unlawful: Athenis, N.: hinc abesto, stand off, Ph.: omnia quae absunt, unseen things, Cs.: Unus abest, is missing, V.: nec Teucris addita Iuno Usquam aberit, will ever cease to follow them, V.: barba dum aberat, i. e. until the beard grew, O. —With distance in space or time: ab urbe abesse milia passuum ducenta: longe: procul, S.: cuius aetas a senatoriā gradu longe abesset, was far too young for: a quibus paucorum dierum iter, Cs.: profectus mensīs tris abest, three months ago, T.: nec longis inter se passibus absunt, V.: quod abest longissime, and that is far from the truth: tantum abest ab infamiā, ut, etc.: neque longius abesse quin proximā nocte ... exercitum educat, i. e. nor was the time more remote, Cs.—In the phrase: tantum abest ut ... ut, so far from ... that, etc.: tantum abest ut gratiam quaesisse videar, ut simultates intellegam suscepisse, I am so far from being shown to have courted popularity, that, etc.: tantum abest ab eo, ut malum mors sit, ut verear, ne, etc. — Hence, to be away from, be free from: a culpā: ab eius modi crimine.—To be removed from, be disinclined to: ab istis studiis: tantum aberat a bello, ut, etc., he was so averse to war, that, etc.: ab hoc consilio afuisse, took no part in, Cs.: ceteri a periculis aberant, avoided, S.: paulum a fugā aberant, were almost ready to flee, S.—To be removed from, be different from, differ: qui longissime a te afuit, i. e. had the largest majority: abest virtute Messallae, is far inferior to, H. — To be unsuitable, be inappropriate: scimus musicen abesse ab principis personā, N.—To be wanting: quaeris id quod habes, quod abest non quaeris, T.: nusquam abero, V.: ratus pluribus curam, omnibus afuisse fortunam, that most had been negligent, all unsuccessful, Cu.: Donec virenti canities abest Morosa, H.: curtae nescio quid semper abest rei, H.—Hence with a negative or paulum (not parum), followed by quin, not much, little, nothing is wanting that, etc.: neque multum abesse ab eo, quin, etc., Cs.: paulumque afuit quin, Cs.: legatos haud procul afuit quin violarent, they came very near, L.—Abesse alicui or ab aliquo, to be wanting to, fail, not to help: longe alcui, O.: longe iis fraternum nomen populiR. afuturum, Cs.: quo plus intererat, eo plus aberat (tua virtus) a me, i. e. the more it would have helped me, the more it failed me: iussis mora abesto, O.: nec dextrae erranti deus afuit, V.: remo ut luctamen abesset, so that the rowing was without effort, V.

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