
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

accendō, or ad - cendō cendī, cēnsus, ere

ad + * cando, act. of candeo, to kindle, set on fire, light : faces: ignem, V.: flamma ter accensa est, flashed up , O.: accensus ad sacrificium foculus, L.: focos, O.—Meton.: lumina (of the stars), V.: accensis cornibus, i. e. bundles of twigs attached to the horns , L.: aestūs, the noonday heat , V.—Fig., to kindle, inflame, fire, excite, arouse, stir, awaken, stimulate, provoke, encourage, exasperate, embitter : vim venti, L.: dictis virtutem, V.: alqm ad dominationem, S.: accendis, quā re cupiam magis illi proximus esse, you inflame my desire the more , H.: discordiam, L.: animos in hostem, V.: studia ad consulatum mandandum, S.: bonum ingenium contumeliā, S.: accensus laudis amore, O.: certamen, L.; (poet.): animos bello, to war , V.; (absol.): pariter accendit et ardet, O.

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